Monthly Archives: March 2025

Stack of Books

I found this image today. The intent was humor. I saw something more, much more.

Quality versus Quantity comes to mind.

Johnny boasted of reading 6 books this week. Timmy only read one. Johnny was praised by his peers. Timmy was quietly disregarded.

From this picture, we see that Johnny read 6 small books while Timmy read a Novel. What we don’t see is that Paul read several magazine articles about taking care of cats.

The class was told to read every day. They were not given a quantity.

Timmy picked a book that his father used to love. Timmy’s father had died last year. Timmy picked a book that was important to him in a special way.

Paul, is wants to help his neighbor, Ms. Macy, with her cats. Ms. Macy was his grandmother’s best friend. He thinks a lot of Ms. Macy.

Johnny did not read every day. He ran to the library the night before and picked several small books to read.

Now, reread the first part. Go on, I’ll wait.

Did you read it differently the second time … knowing what you learned?

Quality versus Quantity … adding in Perspective

..end transmission..