Category Archives: Aside

A Zealot Was

A Zealot was member of a Jewish group noted for their uncompromising opposition to pagan Rome and its polytheism. The Zealots were an aggressive political party who despised even Jews who sought peace with the Roman authorities.

Extremists among the Zealots turned to terrorism & assassination and became known as Sicarii. They carried with themselves, hidden daggers to strike down anyone “friendly to Rome”.

They believed that God would send at military leader who would (figuratively speaking) come charging in on a big horse, swinging swords, and “cleaning house”. In essence, they believed Jesus would be strong, aggressive, military force.

Remember when Simon Peter drew his sword and struck the high priest’s servant, cutting off his ear? You know, it is in the Bible (John 18:10-11). Did Jesus condone this action? NOPE. In Fact, Jesus said, “Put your sword away!”

The Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) … Jesus told us to GO to ALL Nations … disciplining all nations … teaching them. Remember the “famous 12”? you know … the TWELVE DISCIPLES? Disciples follow a teacher/leader. They are not Forced or Coerced. They are Taught and Nurtured. In Schools, do we chain children to their chairs? Do we lock him in rooms until they do what they are taught? Did the Disciples follow willingly or where they forced to follow Jesus? Did Jesus give them a choice?

Did GOD make us mindless creatures with no Free Will? Did GOD send his Son to mock those who did not follow Him? Does scripture mention that Jesus was constantly pointing out the flaws of the people? Do we see any reference to Jesus demanding loyalty to Himself?

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Lighthouse or Bug Zapper

The purpose of lighthouses has long served to warn mariners of dangerous shallows and perilous rocky coasts, and they help guide vessels safely into and out of harbors.

Bug zappers work by emitting a UV light that attracts bugs to the center of the device, where they’re electrocuted. Because of the irresistible lure of their light, bug zappers are incredibly effective at killing bugs.

In scriptures, we are called to be a “light in the world.” (Matthew 5:14-16)

Here is a simple question for you now.

Are you a Lighthouse or a Bug Zapper?

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