Category Archives: Charecteristics

A NEW Christmas

For much of my life (decades), August through December had been a full, busy time for me.

From childhood into adulthood, I have been involved in some sort of “Christmas Event”. Be it, a Christmas play, a musical, or something of the sort, I was involved. I have been “main characters”. I have been “singing” (however, not much). Most of my teen and adult years, I have been part of the “technically” aspects of programs.

Having a child, added to the list. We when to Christmas events, parades, programs, etc .. geared toward children.

Then, there was the “FULL ON Busy Time”. August was getting ready for State Fair that was September. This went right into preparing for Christmas Cottage (craft selling event that took place just before Thanksgiving). There was still Church Christmas programs of some sort that added to the business. Decoration for Fall .. Halloween .. Thanksgiving … Christmas (this part was NO small thing for me).

October of 2014, in the middle of the “FULL ON Busy Time”, Lucenda passed away. I stumbled through the rest of the “Time” that year.

I tried to keep things “sort of” going the following year (2015). But, I realized that it was not going to continue. I had to let go of many of the “FULL ON Busy Time” things.

I moved 3 times in 5 years. Once, across country. MUCH has changed in the past 9 years.

This Christmas is … This Christmas is a New Christmas for me.

I taught the “Grief Process” to numerous “prospective resource parents” over the years. I “knew” the “logistics” of it. Now, I “know” much more about it. The “stages” are NOT clearly defined .. they are NOT clearly separated .. they are NOT done and gone once you go through them. Grief is ongoing. It is foolish to believe there is a “time limit”.

All this stated … All this laid out on the table …

Thanks to TRUE loving and caring people in my life, I have been able to move forward.

A New House to decorate very differently than I have for … decades. New environment. Different job situations for us all. My son is 20 (still mentally processing THAT!).

This year is A NEW Christmas.

.. end transmission ..

thought for the day

me … trying to say something briefly …

in my 53+ years, i have encountered an extreme rollercoaster of events. my emotions have been pushed beyond their limits multiple times. my trust has been crushed multiple times. my contribution to the facial tissue industry has been enormous.

what am i trying to say? i am not really sure actually.

i see others going through rough times and my heart aches for them. my annoying constant desire to fix all the world’s problems keeps me up at night …. often.

my thoughts are like someone ripped the pages of a script out of the book and threw them up in the air then read them as they landed. so are my prayers some days.

unlike some, when i commit to someone as friend, it is no small thing. to be a friend is a huge investment that i take on without thought.

for all of you … whether you like me or not … whether you like what i say or not … i am still me …. period

i pray that each of you knows that GOD will NEVER leave you, nor forsake you. HE is ALWAYS with us.

close your eyes and think of the sky just as the storm clouds are leaving on a sunny day.