Category Archives: Thought

Seek the Truth

One consistent thing I was taught growing up: Seek the truth.
In school, I was taught to read and study.
In church, I was taught to read and study.
In various jobs, I had to read and study.
Research. Learn. Grow. Expand.

When something is “shared” on Social Media. Yes, I research. I look for the truth. When something posted is contrary to truth .. even partial truth, I call it out. I do not sugar coat.
I have been called hateful and malicious and spiteful. While those calling me these things were displaying the very actions they were assigning to me.
I have used the term “christian” with a lowercase c to describe some people recently. People who use the word to defend their actions.
Being CHRIST-like does not involve hatred, or malicious actions. If you put a man, a party, a group, an ideal, a “claim” above demonstrating the Love of CHRIST, you are NOT CHRIST-like. We are called to LOVE one-another .. to support one-another.
Also, God created us each in HIS image. HE gifted each of us with different and special skills and talents. We are PARTS of the body. You cut off part, the body is NOT complete. When the organs of the body do NOT work together for the GOOD of the body, the body does NOT function properly … and can lead to death of the body.
Medical professionals are trained. Law enforcement personnel are trained. Military personnel are trained. A cook is trained. A farmer is trained. EACH of us have our areas of expertise. NONE of us have ALL the answers.
We Are Not GOD!

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God Made Each Of Us

    We, as humans, all make mistakes. We all have fallen short. That is a result of “the fall” of Adam. GOD made us in HIS image, and sin marred that image. HE knit us together in our mother’s womb. HE knows our every thought before we think it. GOD knew everything we will have done and will do before we were born. We are all “fearfully and wonderfully made”. Satan seeks to steal and kill and destroy. All believers in all parts of the world experience various types of sufferings. GOD alone will one day restore those who suffer in doing HIS Will.
    Remember, GOD created the infinite universe. The very same GOD knows how many hairs are on your head. GOD is always with us. He will NEVER leave us nor forget us nor ignore us.
    GOD made each of us. God has never, nor will ever make a mistake.
    GOD, in His grace, freely makes us right in his sight. He did this through Christ Jesus.
(Romans 3, John 10, Psalm 139, 2 Timothy 3, 1 Peter 5)

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