Category Archives: Thought

Just something on my mind

I recently had my annual checkup. A funny thing happened .. no really, it was funny .. when I went in to review my blood test results. Try as she may, my primary care professional could not find a single thing to fuss at me about. Yes, she even said it that way. She said that I am in great health.

Why am I sharing this? I am doing so for a couple of reasons.

First of all, for those who know me well, I tend to “over think” EVERYTHING. I ponder various outcomes of even the smallest of situations. Add to that, after Lucenda died, my fear of being ill and/or dying increased exponentially.
After mentally processing my medical “condition”, I had such a sense of relief. Now, when I hear the whispers in my ear about my health, I simply say “Hush Satan, your lies are not welcome!”

While eating my dinner that I had prepared (pork chops, coleslaw, and Parmesan Alfredo pasta) I thought about all sorts of things that have been said about what people should and should not eat. We have tried to eat healthy for years. With my “late in life” allergies, and my son’s allergies, we really had to pay attention to what we ate. This leads to my second reason for sharing this post.
I eat bacon (pork and turkey), sausage, pasta, dairy, wheat, eggs, BUTTER, and various other food and food items that have been touted as “bad” for us. I do use agave and honey for sweeteners. I use raw sugar for baking. I use Olive Oil and Coconut Oil.
I will not go on about what all I do eat and use when cooking. Suffice it to say, I eat healthy and in moderation. I drink lots of water and coffee and tea and sometimes cherry vanilla Dr. Pepper!

Keep in mind, no one has your same physiology. EVERY person is different. What works for one, may not .. mostly will not work for everyone else. You have to make a conscience effort to eat right

..end transmission..

Uninformed Bandwagon

There is a movement “blaming” a certain Netflix show (13 Reasons Why) for an “increase” in teen suicides. Funny that these people are referencing a recent study that did NOT included ANY data regarding if these teens watched the show or not.
I have seen much of the first season. Yes, it is very disturbing. NO, it is NOT “glorifying” suicide, nor does it give any emphasis nor encouragement for suicide.
In actuality, the show brings to light the VERY REAL issues teens face today. The show does not hold back. It is very “in your face” about the reality. The point is shine a very BRIGHT light on a dark issue that has been LONG ignored!
Now … let us ponder something … Does social media have ANY impact on teen suicide? Certainly there would be nothing on social media that would encourage teens to do stupid, life ending stunts .. ie eating chemicals, or jumping out of moving cars, or chocking yourself to ALMOST death for some “euphoric” rush …

.. end transmission ..