Category Archives: Thought

Looking At The World Through My Dirty Kitchen Window

I was just standing in my kitchen, watching the snow fall outside. (I will not dwell on the fact that it is snowing .. in November .. in West Tennessee.) I was thinking how lovely it is to see the snow blanket my back yard and dust the trees. After standing there for a few minutes, I thought “This would looks much better if my windows where clean”.

I was watching the world outside (snow falling) through a dirty window from the comfort of my warm, dry home.

Let that sink in for a few moments.

If my windows where clean, the view would be much better. I would still be watching the snow falling from the comfort of my warm, dry home.

The best view of the snow falling, would be standing outside, in my back yard. I would be not just “seeing” the snow fall, I would be “feeling” the snow fall. I would be feeling the coldness of the air. I would be feeling the wetness of the snow. I would “see” my breath as I exhaled. I would be “experiencing” the world outside (the snow fall).

How often do we go through every day life “standing in our kitchen” watching the world through a “dirty” window?

..end transmission..