Comfort Zone … Stability … Security …

How is success measured? What criteria defines success? Who holds the “measuring tape” for success? Who created the rules by which success is determined?

Jesus grew up in the home of a carpenter. Jesus worked closely with Joseph, being trained a skilled carpenter. In their age, children were trained to carry on with the family craft. Society expected Jesus to be a carpenter.

            Jesus grew up to carry on His Father’s purpose, God The Father’s Purpose. Jesus did not do what society expected him to do as the “son of a carpenter” should do. Being a carpenter would have meant that Jesus would have had a stable job to provide for his “future” family.

            Jesus had no permanent home once He began His ministry. Jesus had no “job” to provide a “reliable” income. Jesus spent many nights “out under the stars.” Jesus traveled. Jesus was rather often “on the move.”

By societal standards, what was Jesus’s “comfort zone, or stability, or security”?

            Life is constantly changing, moving. For some, changes are often small. For others, changes are often huge. Yet, for others, changes are random and unpredictable.

            When changes happen (both willingly and unwillingly) society “eyes” may make us feel like we are “reinventing ourselves” with each big change. In actuality, we are either “upgrading” our knowledge or “adding on” a new feature/skill to our lives.

We are always changing. We need to accept that and go forward. We go forward with our “upgrades” and our “add-ons” … joyfully and enthusiastically.

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