Tag Archives: Life


When Lucenda was alive, I did most of the cooking (she did not like to cook). I did most of the clothes washing. I was OCD about the dishwasher. Lucenda was better at the cleaning than I was. Honestly, we both had our rounds at mowing the yard (before Brian was able to take over). She was the primary teacher for our son (homeschooling). She was very involved in the church nursery and children’s programing. She was very involved in community groups.

We did NOT do the “man’s work/woman’s role” things. We did what we were good at, together.

After she died, it took several people in all those areas to do what she alone did. She was great at what she did. She always put her all into her work.

Relationships … Partnerships … etc … require all parties to do their best to contribute to the betterment of the whole.

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The Path

You are out for a walk. You see an interesting trail you have not taken before. Why not? You follow the new trail. This is new territory for you. You do not know what you will find. You do know the area, so you are pretty certain you won’t encounter any “wild” animals. Along the way, you step on a few rocks. You stumbled over a tree root. The occasional tree branch and bug finds your face. The humidity might be getting to you. Since this is not your planned route, you did not bring a water bottle.

Marty was soo excited to become a father. He read all sort of books. He was ready. He had everything worked out. The first week was different. The lack of sleep was not so bad. The first year was longer than he thought it would be. The second year was longer. Stepping on Legos in the middle of the night was rough. OH MY WORD! Potty Training! Sleepless nights were less often but still happened. The nightmares and the rocking back to sleep. Where did THAT attitude come from?!?! Wait, I can’t be at the ballgame and work at the same time! PUBERTY! DRIVING!

John was finally getting set into his new job. He liked the people. He enjoyed his job. The insurance was good. The benefits were good. He had his family taken care of. What do you mean my wife is sick? What happened? What do you mean her organs are shutting down? What is going on? How can I live without her? How am I going to tell our son? WHAT AM I GOING TO TELL OUR SON?!?! What am I supposed to do?

Every single person on this planet has a path. Some may choose to simply sit down and refuse to move. Some may be so focused on the path; they don’t see the surroundings. Some people dread the path.
There will be times for all of us when we come to a “fork” in the path. Sometimes, it may just be a 2-prong fork. Sometimes, I may be a 5-prong fork. Some people fall apart at the fork. Some people just keep walking down a path without hesitation. Some people “try” to follow multiple pathways at the same time.
There will be twists, turns, bumps, rocks, bugs, LEGOS, hurts, joys, sorrows, ups, downs, great days, horrible days, okay days ….

If you let fear keep you from going down your path, you won’t see the amazing scenery along the way.

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